Christmas ISN'T Cancelled | Blog
image showing logo and why custom plus personalised equals custom'd

Every item ordered is another tree planted!

Christmas ISN'T Cancelled

There is a huge amount of doom and gloom in the headlines at the moment about Christmas being cancelled.

Yes Brexit, yes Suez Canal, yes pandemic, yes shipping container shortages, yes lorry driver shortages… but NO! Christmas isn't cancelled.

I know that we are effectively a retailer, so more is good, sell sell sell etc… but we just aren't into that. In fact one of the key reasons we established this website was because we fundamentally believe in
buying a great, personalised gift which will be used, appreciated and remembered for long after the wrapping paper is in landfill. We only want to sell items which will be loved and used.

That's one of the reasons we were moved by stories of the pandemic about people separated by lockdowns from their nearest and dearest and the fact that sending something truly thoughtful and personal was far better than a big box filled with a scatter gun approach to hitting the gift giving target.

I can't imagine any adult opening a box of goodies on Christmas Day filled with socks, another wallet and a whole pile of stuff that's there to make up the quantity.

Personally we aren't into all that, we seek quality over quantity and we value experiences, (We also have a silent disco hire company if you're interested) which is why we're hoping to pass on to our daughters that it's better to give a few items that have meaning and are thoughtful than a huge pile of stuff that will barely be looked at.

So no, you can't cancel Christmas but you can make it personal. Make it thoughtful. Make it COUNT.

We will be announcing a range of personalised gifts to accompany our signature Painting By
Numbers in the coming weeks and we hope you and yours will love them! We have a something that will suit most people and we've personally checked and triple checked the quality of every single item we carry (or will be carrying).
The painting by numbers sets are also an amazing gift.
A great final result, a lovely experience and a whole load of mental wellbeing benefits - not to mention that you're stretching the creativity muscle which we all really need, but without having to draw or plan anything. Just open the paint and get stuck in!

The gift that keeps on growing. Every item is a tree, you buy it we plant it somewhere in the world. Check the counter below to see the status of our efforts whenever you like!

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