Customd Painting
image showing logo and why custom plus personalised equals custom'd

Every item ordered is another tree planted!

Custom Made: Paint Like A Pro!

These brilliantly giftable, personalised kits are a great way of killing a few hours!
They result in a fantastic and large acrylic painting on canvas and are suitable for just about any adult.

A younger child will struggle with the mastery of the paint on one of these kits, as a general rule of thumb we'd suggest 11 years and over but your child is as unique as these pictures and only you know if it's suitable!

Our kits are different than others you'll see available elsewhere (more expensively probably) because we aren't like a factory line when it comes to our orders. It may take us more work but we want you picture to be the best it can be. So we have developed a system for creating a digital painting first, which simplifies the design and makes painting the image more enjoyable.

You'll see pictures online of other companies finished work and its hard to see the character or the vibrance of the person being painted- we want a better result for you than that.
We'll also happily send you kits of your pets or landscapes but people are our speciality.

We hope that you'll like our page and share with us pictures of your progress and the finished result. There are prizes on our socials, so lookout to see if you're a winner! @getcustomd... get tagging!
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our speciality is people, we use a digital filter programme to turn your subject into a masterpiece, meaning the image you'll end up painting will be the best quality possible. Paintings will never be photo-real, trying to achieve that will lead to a painting that looks scrappy and hard to focus on. We'll gladly take your pet or landscape images too, but our super power is people painting! Just make sure you follow our guide!
Gary Custom'd
We can also remove the background on a picture and replace it with another colour, saving precious colours for added detail on the subject of your image.

Any questions? Drop us a line using the envelope button at the top of every page. We'll do our best to help!

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